Interdisciplinary Studies

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Interdisciplinary Studies

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BTech Degree – Code #0377

Matt Hollis, Program Coordinator

The Bachelor of Technology in interdisciplinary studies program is designed to provide a four-year curriculum in which students are empowered to personalize, within specified core and concentration areas, their technology-based program of study. The program is founded in academic flexibility by providing two sets of broad-based academic options. Students start with a core set of courses selected for years one and two of the program and two concentration areas for years three and four. The general academic categories are as follows:

Years One and Two Core Areas (select one):

  • Science/Technology/Engineering/Math (STEM)
  • Management
  • Design
  • Health/Agriculture/Science (HAS)
  • Humanities/Social Sciences
  • Technical Communication

Years Three and Four Concentration Areas (select two):

  • Science/Technology/Engineering/Math (STEM)
  • Management
  • Technical Communication/Design
  • Humanities/Social Sciences
  • Health/Science


  • Students must complete 18 credit hours in a core area during the first two years of the program; most associate degrees will satisfy this.
  • Students must also satisfy a minimum of 12 credit hours in each of two academic concentrations during the junior and senior years. Courses satisfying these requirements are identified and categorized by prefix.
  • The program affords students the opportunity to design and complete a rigorous, yet flexible interdisciplinary course of study in technology-based disciplines.
  • The program will provide an avenue by which students can pursue precise career interests that cannot be accommodated within typical majors.
  • With appropriate advisement, graduates will be well prepared to enter and succeed in a wide range of technology-based careers.

Program Student Learning Outcomes

  • Evaluate the value of the lower-level courses and analyze the relationship of those in the context of the interdisciplinary nature of the degree.
  • Synthesize two or more upper-level concentration areas within an approved interdisciplinary course of study.
  • Employ written communication skills (including the appropriate use of technology) appropriate for the degree type and level that meets standards of style, clarity, and grammatical correctness.
  • Employ verbal communication skills (including the appropriate use of technology) appropriate for the degree type and level that meets standards of style, clarity, and grammatical correctness.
  • Employ problem solving, reasoning and critical thinking skills to a situation relevant to the concentration choices.
  • Demonstrate foundational knowledge required to be an informed citizen in a global community. (VED)
  • Use library, online, and other resources to locate and evaluate scholarly articles and other research materials.
  • Competently employ computer technology to present and manage data.

Occupational Opportunities

The nature of the program allows for many occupational opportunities. Some of the more common interest areas are as follows:

  • Technical writer
  • Health office manager
  • Sales engineer
  • Logistician
  • Purchasing manager (i.e., for a hospital)
  • Health and safety engineer
  • Cost estimator
  • Training and development specialist
  • Computer systems analyst
  • Occupational health and safety specialist
  • Graphic designer
  • Self-employed

Employment Statistics

Employment and continuing education rate of 100 percent – 100 percent are employed; 0 percent continued their education.

Entrance Requirements/Recommendations

Required:  Algebra, second year of advanced math, two units of science

Office of Accessibility Services

Students who believe they need a reasonable accommodation to properly participate in this program may contact Melanie Ryan in the Office of Accessibility Services. This office may be contacted by email at  or by phone at 607-587-4506. Please keep in mind that some accommodations may take time to implement, so students seeking accommodations are encouraged to contact OAS as early as possible.

Interdisciplinary Studies - BTech Degree



COMP 1503 Writing Studies 3
MATH xxx3 Gen Ed Elective - Math (MA) 3
CISY xxx3 Computer Elective or BUAD 4403 3
XXXX xxxx Open Elective 3
XXXX xxxx Lower Level Core 3
HPED xxx1 Physical Education Elective 1


SPCH xxx3 Effective Speaking or its GE equivalent (BC) 3
LITR xxx3 Gen Ed Elective - Literature (HUM) 3
XXXX xxx3 Gen Ed Elective - Soc. Sci (SS) 3
XXXX xxx3 Open Elective 3
XXXX xxx3 Lower Level Core 3


GLST 2113 Global & Diverse Perspectives 3
XXXX xxx3 Gen Ed /Lib Arts Elective  (WC,AH,FA,FL) 3
XXXX xxx3 Gen Ed / Lib Arts Elective (WC,AH,FA,FL) 3
XXXX xxx3 Lower Level Core 3
XXXX xxx3 Lower Level Core 3


xxxx xxx3 Gen Ed/Lib Arts Elective (WC,AH,FA, FL) 3
XXXX xxx3 Gen Ed - Natural Science elective (NS) 3
XXXX xxx3 Open Elective 3
XXXX xxx3 Lower Level Core 3
XXXX xxx3 Lower Level Core 3


xxxx xxx3 Concentration Area 1 - Lower/Upper 3
XXXX xxx3 Concentration Area 2 - Lower/Upper 3
XXXX xxx3 Concentration Elective - Lower/Upper 3
COMP 5703 Technical Writing II 3
XXXX xxx3 Liberal Arts Elective 3
IDST 5002 Interdisc Studies Capstone Des 2


xxxx xxx3 Concentration Area 1 - Upper 3
XXXX xxx3 Concentration Area 2 - Upper 3
XXXX xxx3 Concentration Elective - Upper 3
XXXX xxx3 Concentration Areas Elective - Upper 3
XXXX xxx3 Open Elective - Lower/Upper  3


xxxx xxx3 Concentration Area 1 - Upper 3
XXXX xxx3 Concentration Area 2 - Upper 3
XXXX xxx3 Concentration Areas Elective - Upper 3
XXXX xxx3 Open Elective - Upper 3
XXXX xxx3 Open Elective - Upper 3
IDST 7001 Interdisc Studies Capstone Prj 1


xxxx xxx3 Concentration Area 1 - Upper 3
XXXX xxx3 Concentration Area 2 - Upper 3
XXXX xxx3 Concentration Elective - Upper 3
XXXX xxx3 Open Elective - Upper 3
XXXX xxx3 Open Elective - Upper  3


  • 124 total semester credit hours
  • 30 semester credit hours of liberal arts
  • 30 semester credit hours of general education from seven of 10 SUNY General Education categories (will include math, written and oral communication, natural science and diversity/global awareness).
  • 48 upper-division credit hours from the approved list
  • Good academic standing and at least a 2.0 cumulative grade point average
  • Approval of the advising committee