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Scholarships Available at Alfred State

Scholarships Available at Alfred State

Alfred State is proud of its commitment to recognize outstanding students by offering numerous scholarships. Since it is the desire of Alfred State to award scholarships to as many students as possible, typically students do not receive more than one scholarship. If a student qualifies for more than one award, the higher-value scholarship will be awarded. Enrollment deposits must be paid by the due date in order to maintain any scholarship awards.

The Alfred State Athletic Department is an NCAA Division III member. Therefore, athletic ability or athletic accomplishments will not be considered in determining students' scholarship eligibility or financial aid packages.

The following scholarships are available to incoming students who have been accepted and will enroll for the fall semester into a regular program and will be studying full time on either the Alfred or Wellsville campus.  Please note: students studying online are not eligible for scholarships; scholarship funding is limited and meeting qualifications is not a guarantee of an award; the financial aid package, including scholarship awards, cannot exceed the cost of attendance. 

Alfred State Merit Scholarship Program:

Alfred State Scholars1 - Up to $5,000 per year awarded to academically talented first-time, full-time students entering a baccalaureate-degree program; must be a New York State resident; specific value will be determined by strength of academic background and funding availability; on-campus study required on the Alfred or Wellsville campus;applied to non-tuition expenses (e.g., books and supplies, fees, transportation); preference given to students accepted by March 15; no scholarship application necessary. Continued eligibility is contingent upon obtaining a 2.0 GPA each semester, remaining continuously enrolled full-time, and studying on-campus on the Alfred or Wellsville campus.

Alfred State Pioneer Award1 - Up to $2,500 per year awarded to academically talented first-time, full-time students entering an associate-degree program; must be a New York State resident; specific value will be determined by strength of academic background and funding availability; on-campus study required on the Alfred or Wellsville campus; applied to non-tuition expenses (e.g., books and supplies, fees, transportation); preference given to students accepted by March 15; no scholarship application necessary. Continued eligibility is contingent upon obtaining a 2.0 GPA each semester, remaining continuously enrolled full-time, and studying on-campus on the Alfred or Wellsville campus.

Alfred State Scholars-Out-of-State1 - Up to $10,950 per year awarded to academically talented first-time, full-time, residential students entering a baccalaureate-degree program; must reside and attend high school outside of New York State; specific value will be determined by strength of academic background and funding availability; on-campus study required on the Alfred or Wellsville campus; award value is subject to change if tuition rates are updated by NYS; preference given to students accepted by March 15; no scholarship application necessary. Continued eligibility is contingent upon obtaining a 2.0 GPA each semester, remaining continuously enrolled full-time, living on campus, and studying on-campus on the Alfred or Wellsville campus.

Alfred State Pioneer Award-Out-of-State1 - Up to $4,940 per year awarded to academically talented first-time, full-time, residential students entering an associate-degree program; must reside and attend high school outside of New York State; specific value will be determined by strength of academic background and funding availability; on-campus study required on the Alfred or Wellsville campus; award value is subject to change if tuition rates are updated by NYS; preference given to students accepted by March 15; no scholarship application necessary. Continued eligibility is contingent upon obtaining a 2.0 GPA each semester, remaining continuously enrolled full-time, living on campus, and studying on-campus on the Alfred or Wellsville campus.

Allegany County Counselors' Association Annual Scholarship3 - Awarded to a student attending high school in Allegany County; applications available in high school guidance offices in early spring.

Allegany County School Food Service Association Scholarship2 - $200 awarded to a student with a financial need from an Allegany County school district who is entering the culinary arts program; applied to non-tuition expenses.

Alumni Scholarship4 - Awarded to new first-year and transfer students who are the children or grandchildren of an Alfred State alumnus; applied to non-tuition expenses; multiple scholarships available; first-years must have at least an 83 high school average (through end of junior year) and transfers must have above a 2.0 cumulative GPA; a letter must be sent to Admissions Office indicating student’s name as well as the alumnus' name at the time of graduation, the year graduated from Alfred State, and the student’s relationship to the alumnus; one-time award granted to eligible students until funding runs out. 

Alumnus 1939 Endowed Scholarship2 - Awarded to academically talented incoming students.

Anderson Family Endowed Scholarship2 - Awarded to academically talented incoming student.

Big Blue Residential Assistance Grant1 - Up to $7,500 per year awarded to first-time, full-time, residential students who reside and attend high school outside of New York State and will be living on campus; specific value will be determined based on a student’s financial need as determined by the Student Records and Financial Services Office and funding availability; on-campus study required on the Alfred or Wellsville campus; award is subject to change if any aspect of a student’s financial aid information is updated; preference given to students accepted by March 15; no scholarship application necessary. Continued eligibility is contingent upon obtaining a 2.0 GPA each semester, remaining continuously enrolled full-time, living on campus, and studying on-campus on the Alfred or Wellsville campus.

Blue and Gold Grant1 - Awarded to full-time students; specific value may be determined based on a student’s financial need as determined by the Student Records and Financial Services Office and funding availability; on-campus study required on the Alfred or Wellsville campus; no scholarship application necessary. Continued eligibility is contingent upon obtaining a 2.0 GPA each semester, remaining continuously enrolled full-time, and studying on-campus on the Alfred or Wellsville campus.

Blue and Gold Housing Grant1 - A free room (standard room, double occupancy) awarded to full-time residential students living on campus; on-campus study required on the Alfred or Wellsville campus; no scholarship application necessary.

Blue and Gold Housing Scholarship1 - Awarded to full-time residential students living on campus; specific value may be determined based on a student’s financial need as determined by the Student Records and Financial Services Office and funding availability; on-campus study required on the Alfred or Wellsville campus; no scholarship application necessary. Continued eligibility is contingent upon obtaining a 2.0 GPA each semester, remaining continuously enrolled full-time, living on campus, and studying on-campus on the Alfred or Wellsville campus.

Culinary & Baking Production Management Annual Scholarship3 - $500-$1,500 awarded to incoming students enrolling in culinary arts or culinary arts: baking, production and management program; scholarship application available on the Alfred State website.

Evelyn C. and Rumsey C. Billings Memorial Endowed Scholarship2 - Awarded to academically talented incoming students from Steuben and Otsego counties.

Anthony C. Cappadonia Endowed Scholarship4 - Awarded to an incoming student with a musical background who was in high school choir and will participate in the Alfred State choir; must have an 80 or better high school average through the end of the junior year; letter of interest should be sent to Admissions by March 30.

Daniel DiFrancesco Memorial Endowed Scholarship4 - Awarded to an incoming student enrolling in an agriculture program who exhibits service to school and/or the community, exhibits a strong sense of responsibility to self and dedication to family, and possesses a love of the outdoors and demonstrates an appreciation of nature; letter of interest should be sent to the Admissions office by March 30.

East High School Partnership Scholarship1 - $500 awarded to graduates of East High School, Rochester, who are accepted to Alfred State by May 1 of their senior year; maximum of five awards each year; scholarship award begins second year of enrollment at Alfred State.

Max & Marian Farash Annual Scholarship2 - Awarded to student enrolling in mechanical engineering technology or the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning program.

Friendship Designated Scholarship1 - $500 awarded to graduates of Friendship Central School accepted into a regular program at Alfred State.

Vernon Gleasman SAE Endowed Scholarship2 - Awarded to academically talented incoming student enrolling in mechanical engineering technology.

Michael K. Gowdy Memorial Endowed Scholarship2 - Awarded to academically talented students from Wellsville High School.

W.R. Grace & Company Endowed Scholarship2 - Awarded to a student enrolling in the biological science or forensic science technology program.

International Cultural Scholarship1 - Awards up to $3,000 to accepted international students with an overall high school or college grade point average of 2.5 or better.

International Excellence Scholarship1 - Awards up to $7,000 to international students who meet two of the following four criteria: 213 TOEFL exam score (79-80 on Internet-based exam, 550 on paper exam), 3.25 college cumulative grade point average (a 90 overall high school average may be substituted), 1270 combined reading/writing and math SAT, and/or are a current member of Phi Theta Kappa in good standing.

International Merit Scholarship1 - Awards up to $3,000 to international students who meet two of the following four criteria: 195 TOEFL exam score (71 on Internet-based exam, 525 on paper exam), 3.0 college cumulative grade point average (an 88 overall high school average may be substituted), 1170 combined reading/writing and math SAT, and/or are a member of Phi Theta Kappa in good standing.

Barbara & John Larsen Annual Scholarship for Excellence in Theater4 - Awarded to an incoming student who has an interest or has participated in theater or drama while in high school and will participate in the Drama Club while attending Alfred State; must have an 80 or better high school average through the end of the junior year; letter of interest should be sent to the Admissions Office by March 30.

Suzanne Malachesky Memorial Endowed Scholarship2 - Awarded to a commuter student enrolling in the nursing program.

Rudolf "Rudy" Mazourek Memorial Annual Scholarship2 - Awarded to incoming student enrolling in the autobody repair program; preference given to student from Newfield High School or another high school in Tompkins County.

Miller-Neverett Memorial Endowed Scholarship4 - Awarded to an academically talented student who demonstrates potential for campus service as evidenced by previous involvement in organizations and activities; letter of interest should be sent to the Admissions Office by March 30.

Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics Endowed Scholarship2 - Awarded to an academically talented student entering the forensic science technology program.

Phi Theta Kappa External Transfer Scholarship4 - $4,000 total value ($2,000 per year) applied to non-tuition expenses; awarded to transfer students who are members in good standing of Phi Theta Kappa and are entering a baccalaureate degree program; must provide proof of membership in Phi Theta Kappa; students who have or will earn a baccalaureate degree prior to enrolling at Alfred State are not eligible; must be accepted and provide official documentation of meeting the necessary criteria by May 1.

Pioneer Leaders Award - Awards $1,000 each year for those seeking a 2-year associate degree or $3,500 per year to those seeking a 4-year bachelor's degree. Student must be nominated by their high school guidance counselor in spring of their junior year.

John Plail Work Ethic Endowed Scholarship4 - Awarded to student enrolling in a business program; student must have an 80 or better high school average through the end of their junior year and exhibit achievements in high school; letter of interest as well as a written document identifying student’s goals for pursuing business as a career and the importance of having a strong work ethic should be submitted to the Admissions Office by March 30.

Regional Annual and Endowed Scholarships2 - Awarded to academically talented incoming freshmen who reside in school districts defined as the residences of Alfred State faculty and staff.

Russo Family Endowed Scholarship2 - Awarded to academically talented incoming students.

Richard D. Stillman Memorial Endowed Scholarship4 - Awarded to an incoming student who was a member of their high school band or choir and will participate in the Alfred State band or choir; must have an 80 or better high school average through the end of junior year; letter of interest should be sent to the Admissions Office by March 30.

Transfer Scholarship1 - $2,000 total value ($1,000 per year) applied to non-tuition expenses; awarded to transfer students entering a baccalaureate degree program; students must have completed at least one full-time semester with a 3.25 cumulative GPA; students who have or will earn a baccalaureate degree prior to enrolling at Alfred State are not eligible; must be accepted and provide official documentation of meeting the necessary criteria by May 1.

Vocational Excellence Scholarship4 - $2,000 total value ($1,000 per year) awarded to first-time freshman students entering a program taught at the School of Applied Technology on the Wellsville campus; applied to non-tuition expenses; multiple scholarships available on a selective basis; to be considered, students must have at least an 83 high school average through the end of their junior year and demonstrate vocational excellence through a combination of education, employment/internships, competition, C-CAP participation, military experience, and other verifiable activities; students should submit a letter to the Admissions Office indicating how they have excelled in the vocational area, as well as two letters of recommendation from qualified individuals verifying skill level by May 1.

Bea L. Williams Memorial Endowed Scholarship3 - Awarded to students attending high school in Western Steuben County; applications available in high school guidance offices in early spring; academics as well as school and community activities will be considered in the evaluation process; applied to non-tuition expenses.

O'Brien Family Scholarship1 - Awarded to a student enrolling in an online program. May be applied only toward non-tuition expenses. 


1No scholarship application necessary.

2No scholarship application necessary. Awarded by specific criteria. Students must have minimum high school average of 80 through end of junior year unless otherwise noted. Scholarships awarded in March.

3Scholarship application necessary.

4Send letter of interest and any other information as indicated to the Admissions Office. Decisions ongoing while funding exists unless otherwise indicated.




The following scholarships are awarded by the appropriate academic department to continuing Alfred State students based on performance while at Alfred State:


Allegany County School Food Service Assoc. Annual Scholarship
Anderson Family Endowed Scholarship
Anna & Merrill McCormick Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Will Arlow Memorial Motorsports Annual Scholarship
Dr. Khalid Ashraf Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) Endowed Scholarship
BP Electrical Trades Endowed Scholarship
Bob Pahl Sorrento Annual Sketchbook Scholarship
Buffalo Promise Annual Scholarship
Douglas J. Barber Construction Management Endowment
Kathy Barnes Honorary Guardian of Nursing Annual Award
Bethesda Foundation Annual Scholarship
Thomas H. Brawdy Memorial Masonry Annual Scholarship
Brockway Truck Preservation Association (BTPA) Annual Scholarship
EJ Brown Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Paul L. Buckman Memorial Annual Award
Matthew Burzycki Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Anthony Carino Memorial Endowed Scholarship
James Comstock Memorial Annual Scholarship
Paul Constantine, Jr. Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Culinary and Baking Production Management Annual Scholarship
Dalrymple Companies Annual Scholarship
Norman A. Diedrich Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Distinguished Professors' Annual Award for Veteran's Academic Achievement
English & Humanities Prose Writing Annual Award
Carol VanNote Burch Nursing Scholarship
Carpenter Family Applied Technology Endowed Scholarship
Joel French Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Henry and Rosa Gabriel Endowed Scholarship
Donald Gadley Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Gamma Theta Gamma Fraternity Annual Scholarship
Professor Brian Gillespie Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Eleanor Graves Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Ralph B. Harmon Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Mary Heider Memorial Endowed Scholarship
HistoriCorps Annual Scholarship
Shirley Hellwig Memorial Annual Scholarship
Donald B. Holzer Endowed Scholarship
Alan '79 & Mary Ellen '80 Hunt Endowed Scholarship
Hunter Family Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Phyllis S. Jones Memorial Annual Award

Kappa Sigma Epsilon Annual Student Leadership Achievement Award

Kappa Sigma Epsilon Endowed Scholarship
Marilyn Lusk Annual Award for Clinical Excellence in Nursing
Wallace "Pete" and Kathleen MacDonald Annual Scholarship
Suzanne Malachesky Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Harold & Jane Mapes Memorial Annual Award
Brian Maraschiello Memorial Annual Scholarship
Anna & Merrill McCormick Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Dale Meisenheimer Creative Writing Annual Award
Michael Miller Memorial Annual Scholarship
Milton/CAT Annual Scholarship
Deborah (Wallace) and Timothy Moore Nursing Endowed Scholarship
Frank Oppedisano '60 Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Outstanding Student Annual Award - English & Humanities
Pay It Forward Nursing Annual Award
Nicholas Reitter III Mechatronics Technology Annual Scholarship
Dorothy & Lester Reynolds Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Joseph and Carmella Saccone Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Harold A. & Tim '71 Shay Memorial Annual Scholarship
Sigma Tau Epsilon Endowed Scholarship - Wellsville Campus
Donald Simons Annual Scholarship
Bob Pahl Sorrento Sketchbook Annual Scholarship
Southern Tier Builders Association Annual Scholarship
Stephens Mills Grange Endowed Scholarship
Dr. & Mrs. T (Tezak Family) Endowed Scholarship
Evelyn Turner Excellence in Culinary Arts Annual Fund
Western NY Veterinary Medical Association Annual Scholarship
Julia O. Wells Memorial Ed Foundation Annual Scholarship
Robert Wood Freshman English & Humanities Annual Scholarship
Francis Woythal Memorial Scholarship

The Patrick Lee Foundation Annual Scholarship

Paul and Lori Guillaro Annual Scholarship

Clarence "Pat" Carson Annual Scholarship

Cuba School of Applied Technology Chamber of Commerce Culinary Arts Scholarship

Deborah (Wallace) & Timothy Moore Nursing Endowed Scholarship

Robert E. Wood Jr. Memorial Endowed Scholarship

The following scholarships are awarded by the Student Records and Financial Services Office based on financial need. There is no application process other than completing the FAFSA.

Alfred State Retirees Annual Scholarship
Barry Brown '64 Annual Scholarship
Educational Foundation of Alfred, Inc. Endowed Fund
James G. and Marilyn A. Ferry Endowed Scholarship
Roland D. Hale Need-Based Endowed Scholarship
Hornell Association Endowed Scholarship

Charles A. Orlando Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Hal Howard Electrical Engineering Technology Gamma Theta Gamma Endowed Scholarship
Dr. David H. Huntington Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Dr. James Koller Student Service Endowed Scholarship          
William H. MacKenzie Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Northern Lights Endowed Scholarship
Charles A. Orlando Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Radia Khouri Rezak Family Endowed Scholarship
Mike Taylor Memorial Endowed Scholarship
George Whitney Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Robert E. Wood Jr. Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Hornell Association Endowed Scholarship
Scholarships are made possible by the generosity of the Alfred State Development Fund, Inc., the Educational Foundation of Alfred, Inc., the Alumni Council, private donors, and Alfred State faculty and staff.