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Agribusiness Management

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BT DEGREE - Code # 2645

Dr. Philip Schroeder, Department Chair and Program Coordinator
Email Address:

The BTech in the agribusiness management program is designed to provide you, tomorrow’s agricultural entrepreneurs, with the skills to make local agriculture economically viable through the application of traditional production practices and the development of value-added (VA) products. You will take production courses to build a strong foundation in agriculture, value-added courses to develop non-traditional agriculture skills, and business courses to understand marketing and financial management.

This program will appeal to both traditional agriculture students who come from a farm background and to students who are new to agriculture. This program will prepare students to be successful in their efforts to improve the profitability of an existing farm or start a new agricultural venture.


  • Our graduates have the technical knowledge of agricultural production practices, land and water resources, management, and agricultural markets necessary to enter nearly any facet of the agribusiness field.
  • Our students have hands-on experience with modern automated agricultural production systems, organic farming methods, and value added agriculture.
  • Our students have the opportunity to work on the college farm and learn first-hand how to manage multiple species in modern high-tech facilities.
  • Our students also learn the application of fundamental business management skills to agriculture.


Students have the opportunity to participate in the Collegiate Agricultural Leaders (CAL) Club, Collegiate FFA, Equestrian Club, Dairy Judging Team, Agricultural Skills Day, Spring Fling Consignment Sale, Community-Supported Agriculture projects, local foods projects, showmanship contests, and Sustainability Club.


  • Management or ownership of commercial farms
  • Agricultural credit officers for banks, government, loan agencies, and farm cooperative loan agencies.
  • High school agriculture teacher/agriculture educator
  • Writers of technical publications, radio and TV scripts, news items for magazines and newspapers, education and public relations materials
  • Manager/assistant managers of farm supply stores
  • Warehouse managers for farm chemicals, feed, seed, and fertilizers
  • Chain store and retail food management
  • Agricultural consulting services
  • Ag education
  • Cooperative Extension


Employment and continuing education rate of 100% - 100% are employed; 0% continued their education.


Agricultural Technology
Agricultural Business
Agricultural Automation and Robotics


  • Required: Algebra, Geometry, Biology

A typical day consists of two, one-hour lectures and a two-hour studio in the first and second years. At the junior and senior levels, three-hour studios are required.

Required Course Prerequisites

If students do not place into MATH 1033 College Algebra, MATH 1084 Calculus I, MATH 1323 Quantitative Reasoning, 1034 College Algebra of Functions, 1054 Precalculus, or 2124 Statistical Methods & Analysis, then MATH 1014 Algebra Concepts is a required prerequisite for completion of the major.

Office of Accessibility Services

Students who believe they need a reasonable accommodation to properly participate in this program may contact Melanie Ryan in the Office of Accessibility Services. This office may be contacted by email at  or by phone at 607-587-4506. Please keep in mind that some accommodations may take time to implement, so students seeking accommodations are encouraged to contact OAS as early as possible.



ANSC 1204 Introduction to Animal Science 4
AGRI 1001 Farm Practicum I 1
BIOL 1304 Botany 4
COMP 1503 Writing Studies 3
GLST 2113 Global & Diverse Perspectives 3


AGPS 1104 Soils 4
MATH 1033 College Algebra 3
MATH 1123 Statistics I 3
ECON 1013 Principles of Macroeconomics 3
SPCH 1083 Public Speaking 3
SPCH xxx3 Effective Speaking or Equivalent 3
AXXX xxxx Ag Elective 2
AGRI 2001 Farm Practicum II 1


AGEC 3213 Farm & Rural Business Mgmt I 3
AXXX xxxx Ag Elective 2
AGPS 2113 Field & Forage Crops 3
ACCT 1124 Financial Accounting 4
LITR xxx3 Literature Elective 3
AGRI 3001 Farm Practicum III 1


ACCT 2224 Managerial Accounting 4
AGRI 2101 Sophomore Seminar 1
XXXX xxx3 Gen Education Elective 3
AGEC 4303 Farm & Rural Business Mgmt II 3
XXXX xxx3 Gen Education Elective 3
AGRI 4001 Farm Practicum IV 1


AGEC xxx3 Ag Business Elective (upper) 3
XXXX xxx3 Technical Elective 3
XXXX xxx3 Ag or Business Elective (upper) 3
XXXX xxx3 Technical Elective 3
TGMT 7153 Principles of Management 3


ECON 2023 Principles of Microeconomics 3
MKTG 6003 Strategic Marketing 3
BUAD 7023 Legal Environment of Business 3
XXXX xxx3 Technical Elective 3
XXXX xxx3 Technical Elective 3


BUAD 5023 Human Resource Management 3
COMP 5703 Technical Writing 3
BUAD 7004 Small Business Planning & Mgmt 4
AGRI xxx3 AGRI/AGPS Elective (upper) 3
XXXX xxx3 Open Elective (upper) 3


AGRI 7002 Senior Seminar/Capstone Proj 2
AGRI XXXX Ag Internship or 12 upper division elective 12

Graduation Requirements

  • Total minimum credit hours for graduation is 120.
  • A cumulative overall index of at least 2.0 is required in order to graduate.
  • 30 credit hours of the 45 upper-level credit hours for this degree must be taken at Alfred State.

Additional Program Information

  • Seven of the 10 SUNY-approved General Education categories must be fulfilled