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Mechatronics Technology AAS

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AAS Degree – Code #2729

Harshvadan Panchal, Program Coordinator 
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Mechatronics interweaves electrical, mechanical, and computer engineering technology with applications in automated industrial processes and robotics. Mechatronics professionals are the technicians and engineers who design and maintain automated equipment. Technicians and engineers conduct their work in laboratories, offices or on-site at manufacturing plants. These professionals work toward the same goal of producing safe and efficient automated equipment. While technicians primarily maintain machinery, engineers are more concerned with the design and development of components and products. A mechatronics technology graduate will design, adapt, and troubleshoot electro-mechanical systems that are controlled by programmable digital devices.


  • Combines strength in electrical and mechanical engineering technology.
  • Broad background to fit many possibilities and small employers.
  • Learn in laboratories outfitted with excellent electronic test equipment.
  • Hands-on metal and circuit board fabrication facilities.
  • Program different devices to perform electromechanical tasks.

Program Student Learning Outcomes (PSLOs) - AAS Degree

(a) an ability to apply the knowledge, techniques, skills, and modern tools of the discipline to narrowly defined engineering technology activities;

(b) an ability to apply a knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering, and technology to engineering technology problems that require limited application of principles but extensive practical knowledge;

 (c) an ability to conduct standard tests and measurements, and to conduct, analyze, and interpret experiments;

 (d) an ability to function effectively as a member of a technical team;

 (e) an ability to identify, analyze, and solve narrowly defined engineering technology problems;

 (f) an ability to apply written, oral, and graphical communication in both technical and non-technical environments; and an ability to identify and use appropriate technical literature;

 (g) an understanding of the need for and an ability to engage in self-directed continuing professional development;

(h) an understanding of and a commitment to address professional and ethical responsibilities, including a respect for diversity; 

(i) a commitment to quality, timeliness, and continuous improvement. 

(j) Use computer-aided drafting or design tools to prepare graphical representations of electromechanical systems; 

(k) Use circuit analysis, analog and digital electronics, basic instrumentation, and computers to aid in the characterization, analysis, and troubleshooting of electromechanical systems; and 

(l) Use statics, dynamics (or applied mechanics), strength of materials, engineering materials, engineering standards, and manufacturing processes to aid in the characterization, analysis, and troubleshooting of electromechanical systems.

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

With an AAS degree in Mechatronics Technology and within 3 – 5 years from graduating, students will be able to do the following working in an engineering or technical industry.

  • Work collaboratively to solve complex problems using critical thinking and creative problem-solving methods. 
  • Gain a reputation as an effective communicator and for ethical responsibility as an individual contributor and as part of a multidisciplinary team. 
  • Take the initiative to continuously improve by engaging in life-long learning through professional development, continuing education, licensure, and certifications to adapt to a technologically advancing society. 
  • Support or lead complex problem-solving teams using appropriate techniques, skills, and tools to analyze and interpret data. 
  • Hold paramount socially responsible and sustainable design.

Direct Entry Into Baccalaureate Degree Program

Alfred State mechatronics technology AAS graduates may enter directly into the construction supervision BTech, the interdisciplinary studies BTech, the mechatronics technology BS, or technology management BBA degree program.

Occupational Opportunities

  • Robotics Testing Technician
  • Mechatronics Technician
  • Industrial Robotics Mechanic
  • Programmable Logic Controller Assembler
  • Electromechanical Technician

 Employment Statistics

Employment and continuing education rate of 100 percent:

Mechatronics technology (AAS degree): 100 percent – 100 percent continued their education.

New programs - No data.

Related Programs

Computer Engineering Technology
Electrical Engineering Technology
Mechanical Engineering Technology

Enrollment And Graduation Data

AAS Degree  Enrollment (based on Fall census)
2022 25
2021 22
2020 35
   Degrees Awarded
2021-2022 9
2020-2021 11
2019-2020 10

Entrance Requirements/Recommendations (AAS)

Applicants for the mechatronics technology program must possess a recognized high school diploma or its equivalent. Specific high school course requirements and recommendations are:

Required: Algebra, Geometry, Algebra 2
Recommended: Physics

Technical Standards 

It is essential that students are able to fully participate, with or without a reasonable accommodation, in engineering technology lab and test procedures.  Engineering technology students should be able to: 

  • Maintain ethical standards as defined by professional societies such as ASME and IEEE (non-exhaustive list)
  • Appropriately use hand and power tools.
  • Appropriately use test, analysis, and measurement equipment
  • Maintain professional integrity in the classroom and laboratory setting
  • Communicate effectively, orally and written
  • Perform experiments safely in a laboratory environment
  • Visually decipher lab equipment digital or analogue displays
  • Understand and retain information found in equipment manuals, data sheets, and lab instructions
  • Comprehend written and oral directions; act on those directions safely
  • Visually identify and select hardware components
  • Visually distinguish computer software user interface elements
  • Interpret software outputs to analyze data
  • Have sufficient dexterity to finely adjust equipment settings
  • Interpret complex data tables and graphs

Required Equipment

A tier 3 laptop computer is required for students entering the mechatronics technology program. Laptop specifications are available at Some courses may require specialized tools and/or electronic components.

Office of Accessibility Services

Students who believe they need a reasonable accommodation to properly participate in this program may contact Melanie Ryan in the Office of Accessibility Services. This office may be contacted by email at  or by phone at 607-587-4506. Please keep in mind that some accommodations may take time to implement, so students seeking accommodations are encouraged to contact OAS as early as possible.

Mechatronics Technology - AAS Degree



ELET 1133 Digital Logic 3
ELET 1111 Digital Logic Laboratory 1
COMP 1503 Writing Studies 3
MATH 1033 College Algebra 3
GLST 2113 Global & Diverse Perspectives 3
ELET 1202 Intro to Electrical Eng Tech 2
ELET 1001 Seminar 1


MECH 4003 Solid Modeling 3
ELET 1142 Electronic Fabrication 2
MATH 2043 College Trigonometry 3
PHYS 1024 General Physics I 4
MCET 2423 Circuits Fundamentals 3
MCET 2461 Circuits Fundamentals Lab 1


ELET 2103 Electronics Theory I 3
ELET 2151 Electronics Laboratory I 1
MECH 3334 Statics 4
ELET 2143 Embedded Controller Fundmtls 3
MATH 1063 Technical Calculus I 3
XXXX xxx3 Technical Elective 3


PHYS 2023 General Physics II 3
MATH 2074 Technical Calculus II 4
XXXX xxx3 Technical Elective 3
SPCH 1083 Public Speaking 3
SPCH xxx3 Approved Gen Ed Equivalent

If not required to take math due to placement scores, take LAS electives to complete degree requirements of LAS credits.


  • 62 semester credit hours
  • Minimum of 20 credit hours of liberal arts and sciences
  • Four of 10 SUNY General Education categories
  • 2.0 cumulative grade point average and a grade of "C" or better in the core courses
  • Approval of department faculty